PEI Liquor Marketing Program Guide 2022-2023


• Introduction

02 02 03 03 04 05 06 06 07 09 09 10 11 14 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 30 32 35 20

• Our Vision, Our Mission, and Our Values

• Commitments & Expectations

• Our Team

• Product Advisors

• Retail Outlet Sales Statistics

• Program Applications

• Application Process • Period Highlights

• On-Shelf Programs

• Added Value Program

• Shelf Talker / Neck Tag Program • Limited Time Offer Program

• Retail Display Programs

• Impulse at Cash Displays • 200ml Display Program

• Retail Floor Displays

• Spirit & RTD End Displays

• Wine End Displays

• Spirit & Wine End Wings • Shelf Extender Program

• Case Stacker & Cut Case Display • Single Mixer Craft Beer & Cider Display • *NEW* Cold Room Impulse Display • *NEW* Oaktree Cold Room End Display

• Chilled Product Programs

• Cooler at Cash • Chilled Wine

• Advertising Opportunities

• Digital Marketing Package • Exterior Window Advertising • Celebrate e-Flyer Advertising

• In-Store Tastings

• *NEW* Notables Marketing

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INTRODUCTION PEI Liquor is a Provincial Crown Corporation, reporting to the Department of Finance. It is governed by a five-member, government appointed board of commissioners, and is responsible for the importation, distribu- tion, wholesaling, retailing and regulation of beverage alcohol within the province. The 2022/2023 Marketing Program Guide has been prepared in order to help provide agent and supplier partners with the information necessary to maximize marketing opportunities with PEI Liquor. While you have been provided this copy for reference, PEI Liquor will communicate changes with you electronically and encourages you to check the online version located on our website for any updates. PEI Liquor is committed to excellence in retail sales and will achieve this by: • Providing opportunities for supplier programming throughout year • Committing to having the necessary inventory to successfully execute marketing programs • Continually updating retail locations to maximize sales opportunities • Optimizing the SKU base to maximize sales volumes OUR VISION PEI Liquor will be recognized as a truly superior retailer in Prince Edward Island. We will achieve this through quality products, modern technology and increased services. We will always strive for the best possible value for our customers, staff and other stakeholders. OUR MISSION The PEI Liquor regulates the sale of beverage alcohol under the authority of the Liquor Control Act. It manag- es the distribution of alcohol by: • Operating in a socially responsible manner; • Achieving the revenue goals of the Provincial Government; • Providing suppliers with controlled access to the marketplace on a fair basis from modern, attractive venues; • Encouraging responsibility and moderation in the consumption of beverage alcohol; • Providing its employees with equal opportunity and increased training programs that assist in individual and personal development and in the Commission's overall customer service strategy.

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OUR VALUES • Moderation - We promote responsible use as a way of life. • Quality Service - We take pride in the quality of our work. We strive for excellence in caring for our customers, suppliers and one another. • Continuous Improvement - As a retailer, we welcome change. We are committed to continuous improvements to all our services. • Integrity and Fairness - We take responsibility and are fully accountable for our actions, decisions and behavior. We meet our commitments and obligations to co-workers, customers and business partners. We are open, honest and fair. • Importance of People - We are committed to fostering a positive workplace that builds teamwork and mutual respect and encourages individual development. • Focus on Results - We are committed to getting the job done and improving our productivity levels. COMMITMENTS & EXPECTATIONS PEI Liquor commits to providing the highest quality service to our suppliers and partner. Approved marketing programs will benefit from: • On-time implementation of displays and other marketing program materials • Proper positioning of all display opportunities • Proper positioning of all Point of Sale (POS) materials To ensure the success of approved marketing programs, PEI Liquor: • Expects that suppliers will forward graphics in a timely fashion so signage can be printed. • Commits to carrying sufficient inventory to ensure the success of each marketing program. Category managers are available to meet with agents and Suppliers to help maximize opportunities to market your products and to determine programs to help execute and maximize marketing strategies.


Daniel MacDonald CEO / Director of Marketing & Sales (902) 368-5855

Morgan MacLean Marketing Analyst (902) 368-6275

Mark Carragher Category Manager, Beer & Spirits (902) 368-6274

Trent DeRoche Category Manager, Wine (902) 368-6671

Nikki Brown Category Analyst (902) 368-5823

Lauran Toombs Graphic Design & Web Specialist (902) 368-6673

Ali McNeill Graphic Design & Web Specialist (902) 368-4239

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Debbie Smith - Store #102 - 43 Pond St., Unit 1, Charlottetown (Oak Tree) Debbie is a graduate of the Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers. Her extensive knowledge and approachable demeanor allows her to be of service to a wide range of customers, from those new to wine and spirits to collectors looking to explore little-know corners of the world of wines and spirits. Judy Hornyik - Store #004 - 475 Granville St., Summerside (Granville) Judy draws upon her 20 years of experience working with PEI Liquor to better serve custom- ers. Judy has also successfully completed the Wine and Spirit Trust (WSET) Level 3 course. Whether you are looking for grand bottles to impress or everyday hidden gems for yourself, Judy can help you uncover that perfect find. Linda Schipper - Store #108 - 6 Prince St., Charlottetown (Notables) Linda is a graduate of the Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers and she enjoys educating, creating food and wine pairings, writing tasting notes, and working alongside her customers. Linda especially loves showcasing new wines to the market, learning about them, and helping customers navigate those choices. Darren LeBlanc - Store #104 - 193 Minna Jane Drive, Charlottetown (West Royalty) Darren has 20 years of experience in restaurant management and hospitality. Certified through C.A.P.S., he completed his Sommelier levels in 2005. Whether it’s a coursed meal with needed wine pairings or a special gift for any occasion, Darren has the know how and information to help you make the right decisions for your occasion. Erin Turcke - Store #203 - 509 Main Street, Montague (Montague) Erin Turcke is a Certified Sommelier and a French Wine Scholar. Erin finished among the top graduates to achieve the Wine Spirit and Education Trust (WSET) Diploma and has been accepted into the elite program of the Institute of Masters of Wine. Erin always puts the personal preferences of the consumer first when offering guidance on our wide selection of beer, wine and spirits.

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RETAIL OUTLET SALES STATISTICS This document details PEI Liquor’s updated marketing programs, program periods and application process for PEI Liquor’s fiscal year (April 2022 – March 2023). Marketing program fees are aligned not only by store sales but also by monthly sales volumes as detailed in the following:

Total Sales by Retail Outlet

$0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $16,000,000 $18,000,000 $20,000,000

Percentage of Sales by Period

*Percentage of sales by period are based on 2019/2020 sales data.

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PEI Liquor has a variety of marketing programs available for 2021/2022, and is open to discussing other benefi- cial opportunities. The following programs are available for the period dates outlined below. Invoices will be issued to Applying Agents upon program completion, NOT to Individual Suppliers. Please note: Invoices will be issued to the agent that initially applied for the marketing program, unless other- wise notified. If changes to your portfolio occur, please advise the PEI Liquor marketing & category management team immediately, so the changes can be made. Pricing is based on display opportunity and further by period, size and number of locations. Where an opportuni- ty is not available in all 18 locations, the list of stores appears in order by sales. APPLICATION PROCESS Various marketing program opportunities are available throughout the year. Details of these programs are outlined in this document. Interested suppliers are invited to complete a Marketing Program Application Grid which can be found on our website: Marketing Program Application Grids can be submitted for any of the available program periods outlined in the Marketing Program Timeline below. Submissions must be received as detailed in the Program Application Deadlines column. PEI Liquor will review applications and provide Program Approval Notification. If any regis- tered marketing agents would like to be added to the supplier list email, please contact Morgan MacLean. Current inventory and lead times for product delivery should be taken into consideration when submitting Mar- keting Program Application Grids to ensure sufficient stock is available to maximize the benefit of the program. If amendments to marketing programs are required due to shipping, inventory issues, etc, it is the responsibility of the agent / supplier to inform PEI Liquor marketing & category management team. Disclaimer: PEI Liquor reserves the right to make adjustments to marketing programs at any point prior to or during the implementation of the program.


Program Period

Total Days %of Sales Application Deadline

Program Duration

47 35 35 36 41 36 48 43 44

11% 10% 14% 15% 11%

29-Oct-21 29-Oct-21 29-Oct-21 14-Jan-22 14-Jan-22 14-Jan-22 15-Apr-22 15-Apr-22 15-Apr-22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

April 1 – May 17 May 18 – June 21 June 22 – July 26 July 27 – August 31

September 1 – October 11 October 12 – November 16 November 17 – January 3 January 4 – February 15 February 16 – March 31





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PERIOD HIGHLIGHTS The PEI Liquor Marketing Calendar is highlighted below. Each period has additional investments where POS and merchandising are planned to improve the customer shopping experience. Agents and suppliers are encouraged to explore the following opportunities and submit programs that support these initiatives for each occasion.

Period 1 // April 1 – May 17 // Discover the World of Wines This period gets our customers thinking about the upcoming PEI Festival of Wines; with the goal of encouraging more people to explore the category and showcasing the feature country for 2022 – Canada. The Festival and supporting period promotion provide an opportunity for customers to try new offerings and evolve their understanding of the category, which continues to grow on PEI.

Period 1 // April 1 – May 17 // Fresh New Flavours After a long winter, our customers are looking forward to Spring weather and new arrivals in our stores. Fresh New Flavours is a theme in our stores to promote new ready-to-drink coolers, beer, and wine products.This overall theme is also supported with an online presence on, and a printed Fresh New Flavours Flyer that is available in stores and mailed out to 19+ residents across PEI. Period 3 & 4 // June 22 - August 31 // Summer Hosting This “Summer Hosting” themed campaign is designed to awaken all five senses, inspire smiles in those it touches, and encourage customers to enjoy the PEI summer just that little bit more. PEI is a great place to be during the summer; many people are on vacation and have discretionary income to spend, and this program is designed to make the most of this. Stores are merchandised to drive sales and we want to influence purchase decisions through supporting supplier promotions and sampling experiences – with the goal of up-selling customers and enticing them to increase their basket size just that little bit more! Period 2 // May 18 - June 21 // Fresh New Flavours Fresh New Flavours is a theme in our stores that promotes the arrival of new ready-to-drink coolers, beer, and wine products. From seltzers to vodka sodas, wine-in-a-can and more - It’s the perfect time to celebrate the warmer weather on the Island with refreshing ready to drink cocktails.This overall theme is also supported with an online presence on, and a printed Fresh New Flavours Flyer that is available all PEI Liquor corporate retail stores and mailed out to 19+ residents across Prince Edward Island.

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Period 5 // September 1 - October 11 // Beer Styles This promotion supports supplier in-store promotions during the PEI Beer Festival. With the onset of fall, the program is designed to extend the beer category’s peak sales period and capture customer attention by making beer exciting. It is designed to celebrate the differences between beer types, and encourage custom- ers to break the mold and start experimenting by learning more about each beer flavour; taking simple, easy to understand taste descriptors and personifying them with people personalities; it provides customers with a clever roadmap for explor- ing, selecting and enjoying more beer options! Period 6 // October 12 - November 16 // Love Local This promotion focuses on promoting our Island wine, beer, cider, and spirit producers and their products. At PEI Liquor it is always our mission to support local and to encourage our customers to discover the incredible selection of products made right here in Prince Edward Island. This program is also featured on our website, social media, and e-flyer with local food and drink pairings. Period 7 // November 17 - January 3 // Holiday Gifting This promotion is designed to get our customers in the festive spirit with holiday hosting and gifting in mind. During this program our retail stores, website, and social media pages are designed to highlight gift ideas, festive cocktail recipes, hosting tips, and perfect pairing suggestions to help make the holiday season enjoyable and stress-free. Period 8 & 9 // January 4 - March 31 // Cocktails at Home Whether you're a connoisseur or just starting to explore, PEI Liquor has new and unique spirits from around the world to stock your home bar. During this promotion there will be a variety of simple cocktail recipes and product suggestions to promote "Cocktails at Home".

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ADDED VALUE PROGRAM Both liquid and non-liquid added value options are available as part of this program. The supplier or agent is responsible to ensure timely order and shipment of all Liquor added-value items to the PEI Liquor Warehouse. All non-liquor added-value items should be shipped directly to stores. There is no additional charge for delivery to the Retail Outlets. Promotional items for approved programs will be: • Tamper proof. • Provided with attachment mechanism. • Formats no larger than 200ml. • In the event that items will be attached to another product, promotional items will be attached / removed by PEI Liquor staff on schedule with timing of the program. • Other format opportunities will be handled on an individual basis. • It is the suppliers responsibility to ensure all non-liquor added values are direct delivered to all PEI Liquor corporate retail stores. Agency stores do not receive any liquor or non-liquor added values. • It is the responsibility of the supplier applying for a food on-pack item to ensure it meets Canadian Food Inspection Agency guide- lines. • Please provide a camera-ready image of any non-liquor added value for social media purposes. • All liquor added value products must be received by PEI Liquor four (4) weeks in advance of the scheduled promotion period. Please contact Gerald O'Halloran by phone (902)368-5721 or by email to notify of added value ship- ment. Subject to the following fees: • 50ml added value items are subject to a $0.20/unit handling fee (liquid on liquid) and a $0.10 deposit. • 200ml added value items are subject to a $1.00/unit handling fee (liquid on liquid) and a $0.10 deposit. • Handling fees applicable to beverage alcohol added value only. • All liquid on liquid subject to deposit.


Cost per SKU

Program Period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$250 $320 $320 $320 $320 $300 $400 $200

$220 Eligible Products: All Categories (Excluding Economy SKUs)

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SHELF TALKER / NECK TAG PROGRAM On shelf promotional materials can generate interest and help to differentiate products. Promotion in this manner can include but is not limited to shelf talkers, neck tags and pad bound promotional materials. These items can be used to communi- cate product accolades, supplier managed contests, recipes, pairings and general product details.


Cost per SKU

Program Period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$100 $100 $150 $150 $100 $100 $150

Dimensions for shelf talkers are 4”x5” which must include a 1” pre-folded flap and a quantity of 50 to be printed by the supplier.


All Shelf Talker/Neck Tag programs must applied and approved by PEI Liquor’s Marketing Analyst, Morgan MacLean.

$75 Eligible Products: All Categories Locations: All PEI Liquor Retail Outlets

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Suppliers are invited to apply for temporary discounts, as part of our Limited Time Offer program. To be eligible for this program, Spirit and Wine products must meet the Minimum Required Retail or above. Limited Time Offer program fee’s for Spirit and Wine categories are prorated based on regular retail price. (Social Reference Pricing and Fee reduction information can be found on page 12 and 13). Changes to LTO Guidelines: 1. LTO’s not permitted in back to back periods on same SKU. 2. Maximum of 2 SKU’s per brand on LTO per period (this applies to the spirit category only). PEI Liquor LTO Marketing: • PEI Liquor will produce shelf talkers to feature the Limited Time Offer (LTO). • PEI Liquor may at its discretion feature a number of LTO’s from each marketing period on, PEI Liquor Social Media platforms, and in the Celebrate e-Flyer.

Cost per SKU

Program Period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$250 $320 $320 $320 $320 $300 $400 $200

$200 Eligible Products: All Categories (Excluding Economy SKUs)

Locations: All PEI Liquor Retail Outlets

*PEI Liquor reserves the right to adjust LTO pricing if it does not align with Social Reference Pricing (SRP). If changes are required, they will be reflected in the approval message that is sent out by the marketing and category team.

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LIMITED TIME OFFER PROGRAM (SPIRITS) LTO fees for spirits 750ml only are prorated based on the regular retail as follows:

• Up to $29.99: 100% of LTO fee • $30.00-$49.99: 50% of LTO fee • $50.00 and over: 0% of LTO fee

*PEI Liquor reserves the right to adjust LTO pricing if it does not align with Social Reference Pricing (SRP). If changes are required, they will be reflected in the approval message that is sent out by the marketing and category team.


Units per Pack

Social Reference Pricing



Premium Super Premium

Unit Size MLs

Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

1 50 50 1 200 200


3.09 and over

9.69 10.19 10.68 10.69 and over 1 375 375 15.09 15.59 16.08 16.09 20.09 20.10 25.10 25.11 and over 1 500 500 18.74 19.49 20.18 20.19 24.19 24.20 29.20 29.21 and over 1 750 750 26.39 27.39 28.38 28.39 33.39 33.40 39.40 39.41 and over 1 1,140 1,140 39.39 40.89 42.38 42.39 48.39 48.40 55.40 55.41 and over 1 1,750 1,750 59.29 61.29 63.28 63.29 70.29 70.30 78.30 78.31 and over 1 3,000 3,000 100.99 105.99 110.98 110.99 and over

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LIMITED TIME OFFER PROGRAM (WINE) LTO fees for wines 750ml only are prorated based on the regular retail as follows:

• Up to $17.00: 100% of LTO fee • $17.01-$22.00: 50% of LTO fee • $22.01 and over: 0% of LTO fee

In Period 7, Wine LTO’s on 750ml products will be limited to a retail of $13.99 and above.

*PEI Liquor reserves the right to adjust LTO pricing if it does not align with Social Reference Pricing (SRP). If changes are required, they will be reflected in the approval message that is sent out by the marketing and category team.


Units Per Pack

Social Reference Pricing


Super Premium



Unit Size MLs

Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max 3.89 4.48 4.49 5.98 5.99 7.48 7.49 And Over 4.49 5.28 5.29 6.98 6.99 8.48 8.49 And Over 6.89 7.88 7.89 9.98 9.99 14.98 14.99 And Over

1 200 200 3.89 1 250 250 4.49 1 375 375 6.89 1 500 500 8.69

8.69 9.68 9.69 11.98 11.99 16.98 16.99 And Over 1 750 750 11.49 11.49 12.48 12.49 18.48 18.49 23.98 23.99 And Over 1 1,000 1,000 14.49 14.49 15.48 15.49 21.48 21.49 27.98 27.99 And Over 1 1,500 1,500 20.59 20.59 22.08 22.09 32.98 32.99 42.98 42.99 And Over 1 2,000 2,000 25.69 25.69 27.68 27.69 37.68 37.69 49.98 49.99 And Over 1 3,000 3,000 35.49 35.49 38.48 38.49 54.98 55.99 70.48 70.49 And Over 1 4,000 4,000 45.99 45.99 49.18 49.19 64.98 64.99 87.48 87.49 And Over

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Display signage for all End Cap and Floor Displays will be designed and printed by PEI Liquor. Product Bottle and/or Case images must be provided upon request. IMPULSE AT CASH – SMALL FORMAT IMPULSE AT CASH - SMALL FORMAT

Cost per SKU

Displays of 200ml, 250ml or 375ml products can be made at cash. Two spaces available per program period.

Program Period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$400 $400 $500 $500 $400 $400 $550 $350

The selection of products is based on the following factors:

• Seasonal themes • Profitability/Sales potential

• Inventory levels • Impulse in nature • Program Support

$350 Eligible Products: 200ml, 250ml and 375ml formats Locations: All PEI Liquor Retail Outlets (excluding Notables).

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Displays of products greater than 375ml can be made at cash. Two spaces available per program period.

Cost $850 $950

Program Period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The selection of products is based on the following factors:

$1,100 $1,100 $1,000 $1,000 $1,200

• • • • •

Seasonal themes

Profitability/Sales potential

Inventory levels Impulse in nature Program Support


$800 Eligible Products: 750ml formats Locations: Oak Tree, West Royalty, Stratford, Montague, Waterfront, Granville, Kensington, Tignish, Borden, Souris, O’Leary, Alberton, North Rustico (13)

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A separate display space for 200ml & 375ml format prod- ucts is available near the point of purchase in 10 PEI Liquor Retail Outlets. PEI Liquor provides display units for these impulse purchase items.

Wine Cost (Per SKU)

Duration Spirit Cost (Per SKU)

April 2022 – March 2023



This program is a requirement if you want to have a 200ml product listed with PEI Liquor.

Eligible Products: 200ml Spirits & 375ml Wine

Locations: Oaktree, West Royalty, Stratford, Granville, Waterfront, Cornwall, Montague, Queen St., Souris and Tignish (10)

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PEI Liquor offers category specific display opportunities to feature products throughout our retail outlets.


Premium Mass Spirits (1 Available)

Premium Mass Wine (1 Available)

Program Period

Floor Display 2 (2 Available)

Floor Display 1 (2 Available)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$3,500 $4,200 $5,500 $5,500 $4,500 $3,750 $6,750 $2,500 $2,500

$3,500 $4,200 $5,500 $5,500 $4,500 $3,750 $6,750 $2,500 $2,500

$2,000 $2,500 $3,300 $3,300 $2,750 $2,500 $4,000 $1,500 $1,500

$1,250 $1,500 $1,900 $1,900 $1,500 $1,300 $2,200

$850 $850

Oaktree, West Royalty, Stratford, Granville, Waterfront, Cornwall, Montague, Alberton, O’Leary, Tignish, Kensington, Rustico, Souris, Cardigan and Queen St. (15)

Oaktree, West Royalty, Stratford, Granville, Montague, Queen St, Cornwall, Alberton and Waterfront (9)

All PEI Liquor Retail Outlets

All PEI Liquor Retail Outlets


excluding Notables

excluding Notables

SKU Limits 4 SKUs

4 SKUs

4 SKUs

4 SKUs

Eligible Categories: All categories

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*NEW* PEI Liquor is now offering display space for the RTD category on RTD End Aisle Displays.


Program Period

Premium Spirit End

Spirit End 1 (3 Spaces Available)

RTD End Aisle Display

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$1,400 $1,600 $1,800 $1,800 $1,700 $1,500 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000


$600 $700 $800 $800 $700 $600 $800 $500 $500

$1,050 $1,200 $1,200 $1,100 $1,000 $1,500

$675 $675

Oaktree, West Royalty, Stratford, Granville, Waterfront, Cornwall, Montague, Alberton, O’Leary, Tignish, Kensington, Rustico, Borden, Souris, Cardigan and Queen St. (16)

Oaktree, West Royalty, Stratford, Granville, Montague, Queen St., Cornwall, Alberton and Waterfront (9)

All PEI Liquor Retail Outlets excluding Notables


SKU Limits

4 SKUs

4 SKUs

4 SKUs

Eligible Products

Spirit Category

Spirit Category

RTD Category

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Wine End 2 (2 per store)

Program Period

Premium Wine End (1 per store)

Wine End 1 (3 per store)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$1,200 $1,400 $1,500 $1,500 $1,300 $1,300 $1,700

$700 $750

$400 $475 $550 $550 $425 $425 $650 $350 $375

$1,000 $1,000

$725 $725



$500 $600


Oaktree, West Royalty, Stratford, Granville, Waterfront, Cornwall, Montague, Alberton, O’Leary, Tignish, Kensington, Rustico, Borden, Souris, Cardigan & Queen St. (16)

Oaktree, West Royalty, Stratford, Granville, Montague, Queen St., Cornwall, Kensington Alberton & Waterfront (10)

Locations All PEI Liquor Retail Outlets excluding Notables

SKU Limits

4 SKUs

4 SKUs

4 SKUs

Eligible Categories: Premium Wine End Display is restricted to 750ml products $14.99 and above.

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SPIRIT & WINE END WINGS Only cross category products will be approved for this program, in effort to entice consumers to make an impulse purchase in a category outside of their initial intention.


Program Period

Spirit & Wine End Wings

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$400 $600 $700 $700 $600 $600


$400 $400

Locations: All PEI Liquor Retail Outlets (excluding Notables).

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A display space located in the Canada wine section provid- ing additional exposure for wines from any country that may be of interest to consumers shopping the Canada section; one of the highest-traffic areas in PEI Liquor stores. One display available per period.

Program Period

Cost $300 $350 $400 $400 $325 $325 $475 $250

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Selection of products is based on the following factors:

• Profitability / sales potential • Relevance to consumers shopping wines planogrammed in the Canada section • Inventory levels

$275 Locations: Stratford, Montague, Granville, Waterfront, Alberton, Borden, O’Leary, Tyne Valley, and Rustico

Eligible Products: Wine 750ml – All Countries. Limit 1 SKU per display.


*NEW* in 2022/2023 the Shelf Extender program is now open to Spirit categories. Two spaces available per period. Located in the Vodka and Whisky sections of select PEI Liquor corporate retail locations.

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PEI Liquor is pleased to offer Case Stacker & Cut Case Displays which will be placed in high traffic areas. These displays will be offered in thirteen (13) PEI Liquor Retail Outlets which represents 88% of total sales. The Case Stacker Display unit must be provided by the supplier once approved by PEI Liquor whereas a Cut Case Display will be created by PEI Liquor Retail Staff out of the product cases.

Program Period Cost (per program) 1 $600 2 $700 3 $800 4 $800 5 $700 6 $600 7 $800 8 $500 9 $500 Locations: Oaktree, West Royalty, Stratford, Granville, Montague, Waterfront, Kensington, Rustico, Alberton, O’Leary, Tignish, Borden, and Queen St. (13)

The selection of Case Stacker Displays is based on the following factors:

• Seasonal themes • Profitability/Sales potential

• Inventory levels • Impulse in nature • Program support

*Recommended Dimensions: 24” (w) x 60” (h) x 20” (d)

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The Single Mixer Craft Beer & Cider display has been designed to merchandise the Single Mixer 8 pack carriers, as well as craft beer and/or cider products. On this display unit there is space to hold up products from one Brewery or Cidery. One display available per period.

Program Period

Cost $500 $600 $700 $700 $600 $600 $700 $500

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Selection of products is based on the following factors:

• Profitability / sales potential • Inventory levels

$500 Locations: Oaktree, West Royalty, Stratford, Montague, Granville, Waterfront

Eligible Products: Single Serve Beer & Cider

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The Cold Room Impulse Display is new in 2022 / 2023. This display space is located inside of the Cold Beer Coolers in select PEI Liquor corporate retail store locations. Two spaces available per program period.

Program Period

Cost $600 $700 $800 $800 $700 $600 $800 $500

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The selection of products is based on the following factors:

• Seasonal themes • Profitability/Sales potential

• Inventory levels • Impulse in nature • Program Support

$500 Locations: Oaktree, Stratford, Montague, Granville, Waterfront

Eligible Products: All categories

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*NEW* OAKTREE COLD ROOM END DISPLAY The Cold Room End Display is new in 2022 / 2023. This display space is located inside of the Cold Beer Cooler in our Oaktree store. Three spaces available per program period.

The selection of products is based on the following factors: • Program Support • Inventory levels • Seasonal themes • Impulse in nature • Profitability/Sales potential


Program Period

Cold Room Display 1

Cold Room Display 2 & 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

$400 $475 $550 $550 $425 $425 $650 $350 $375

$250 $275 $350 $350 $250 $250 $400 $200 $225

Locations: Oaktree Eligible Products: All categories

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Open faced coolers are located at cash for impulse Single Serve products which are typically refrigerated. There are Eleven (11) Display opportunities available per retail outlet. Suppliers can apply for brands within the marketing period applications. The program allows for one (1) brand with two (2) facings per period.

Eligible Products Cost (Per SKU)

Single Serve Beer, RTD, Cider and Wine


Duration: April 2022 – March 2023 Locations: Oaktree, Queen St, West Royalty, Cornwall, North Rustico, Stratford, Montague, Kensington, Granville, Waterfront, O’Leary & Borden-Carleton. (12)

The selection of Cooler at Cash products will be based on:

• Category strategy • Seasonal themes • Profitability/Sales potential

• Inventory levels • Program support

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Chilled Wine is a 12-month program period with option to change product upon approval from PEI Liquor. Other formats i.e. – 1.5L will be pro-rated according to number of facings. Guaranteed SKU facings in the Top 7 PEI Liquor retail outlets. The remaining outlets will accommodate participating SKUs based on space availability. Program billed based on applying agent and not specific producer or winery.



750ml – 1.5L Wine $1500 per SKU

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New to the scene? Or need a boost? Let us help with our Digital Marketing Package! PEI Liquor’s Digital Marketing Package is ideal for new products entering our market.



All Categories


The Digital Marketing Package will include:

• End Cap Display Space at Oak Tree and Granville featuring your products • Social Media Posts on PEI Liquor Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram • PEI Liquor Website Exposure: • Home Page Web Banner • Featured Product • Product Advisor Pick • Licensee Wholesale Website Exposure: Home Page Featured Product • Email Marketing: Custom Message sent to 1,800+ subscribers

If you are interested in participating in a Digital Marketing Package, please apply for this in PEI Liquor’s Marketing Application and contact PEI Liquor’s Marketing Analyst, Morgan MacLean for requirements.

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Exterior Window advertisings are an excellent opportunity to grab the customer’s eye as they are approaching the store and have your product be the first thing on the customers mind as they enter the store.

Artwork and signage are the responsibility of the agent. If you are interested in participating in purchasing Exterior Window Advertising, please apply for this in PEI Liquor’s Marketing Application. Contact PEI Liquor’s Marketing Analyst, Morgan MacLean for availability and requirements.




COST $4,000 $4,000 $4,000

2 & 3 4 & 5 6 & 7

May 18, 2022 - July 26, 2022 July 27, 2022 - October 11, 2022 October 12, 2022 - January 3, 2023

Locations: Cornwall, West Royalty, Oaktree, Queen St, Stratford, Montague, Waterfront and Granville (8)

Eligible Products: All categories

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CELEBRATE E-FLYER FULL PAGE AD PEI Liquor releases a new 6 Celebrate e-Flyers per year. The Celebrate e-flyer features LTO’s, new arrivals, recipes, perfect pairings, articles and more! Feature your product in the Cele- brate e-Flyer in a full-page advertisement by providing a print ready 8.5” x 11” PDF file to Ali McNeill.




All Categories


The Celebrate e-Flyer will be:

• Sent to 1,700+ Email Subscribers • Featured on the home page of

• Featured on the e-flyer page: • Social media posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

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CELEBRATE E-FLYER ARTICLE Let us help you promote your products in the Celebrate e-Flyer with a 2-4 page article. This article can include educational information about your brand, product information, recipes, and more. PEI Liquor releases 6 Celebrate e-Flyers per year.




The Celebrate e-Flyer is:

All Categories


• Sent to 1,700+ Email Subscribers • Featured on the home page of

• Featured on the e-flyer page: • Posted on PEI Liquor’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

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In-store tastings provide an excellent opportunity to allow customers to sample products they may not have normally purchased. All product categories are eligible for in-store tastings.

Supplier, Agent or Host Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the supplier, agent or host to:

• Purchase product from the PEI Liquor Retail Outlet at a discounted rate. • Ensure no advertising of any form including but not limited to print, radio, television, online will be made to promote the in-store tasting session. Notices can be posted within the participating retail outlet during the scheduled tasting time(s). • Verify inventory levels of tasting products with the store manager prior to the tasting. • Assemble and dismantle the tasting station / booth. • Ensure all necessities for the tasting session including product, cups, table cloth, napkins are available a nd that the tasting station is clean and tidy with appropriate waste containers at all times during the tasting sessions. • Provide recipe cards or any other display material (e.g. posters, danglers, backer cards) to highlight the products being tasted. • Monitor sampling and safeguard against the sampling by minors or intoxicated persons. • Ensure that opened product in not left unattended at any time. • Assume responsibility for any liability arising as a result of the tasting.

Book tastings directly with the store manager. If you wish to cancel your tasting, please provide 24 hour notice of cancellation to the store manager. Failure to do so will result in automatic billing.

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PEI Liquor Store Manager / Staff Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of PEI Liquor Store Managers and Staff to:

• Ensure appropriate amount of product being sampled is available • Ensure adequate space is available in a highly visible area to maximize the opportunity • Monitor the amount of product sample poured and the safekeeping of the open product in the event the tasting continues for a following day • Communicate and ensure staff understand that they cannot participate in in-store tastings • Ensure that supplier representatives conduct themselves in a professional manner and adhere to their responsibilities outlined above. Manager have full authority at any time to cancel a tasting session for non- compliance with these responsibilities or the PEI Liquor Control Act regulations • Complete and forward a Tasting Report to the PEI Liquor Head Office detailing the name of the agent, the product sampled and the overall conduct of the agent responsible for the tasting.


Measure 1 oz/30 ml 1 oz/30 ml ½ oz/15 ml ½ oz/15 ml

Product Category

Wine Beer


Cooler / RTD

Cider 1 oz/30 ml Dates & Times: Monday to Saturday 12:00pm - 4:00pm / 4:30pm - 8:30pm and Sunday 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Cost : $25.00 per tasting session

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Cost (Per Period / SKU / Location)

PEI Liquor is pleased to offer opportunities for wine tasting using the Winegate™ WineStation.

Eligible Products

750ml format (Must retail over $15.00. No sparkling wines at this time)

$25 + Landed Cost + Taxes (HST) $40

Interested agents and suppliers can effectively feature their wine in a method that:

• Professionally showcases the product (correct serving temperature and inert gas protection from oxidization) • Removes the need to secure staff and supplies for in-store tastings.

Locations: Stratford, Montague, Granville, & Notables (Coming Soon – Date TBD)

Product Details:

• Typically, 2-3 bottles used per location, per period. • Limit of 4 red and 4 white wine SKUs per period. • Agents must provide a brief description for any products participating in this program. Details will be used for product knowledge training and will be sent out to Taste Station email subscribers via MailChimp.

Book your space in the Wine Taste Station by contacting Wine Category Manager, Trent DeRoche.

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Opened in July 2020, Notables by PEI Liquor offers a collection of premium, local, and exclusive wine, beer, and spirits – with over 500 products available only at Notables. It also features a training room for tasting seminars and special events. Notables is located in downtown Charlottetown in the Founders’ Food Hall & Market. Are you looking to promote your products at Notables? Let us help you with our Notables Marketing Package! PEI Liquor’s Notables Marketing Package is ideal for new products entering our market.




All Categories


Notables Marketing Package:

• End Cap Display featuring your products” • PEI Liquor Website Exposure: Homepage Web Banner, Featured Product, Product Advisor Pick*

• Social Media Posts on PEI Liquor Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram* • Email Marketing: Custom Message sent to PEI Liquor subscribers • Full Page Ad in the PEI Liquor Celebrate e-Flyer

*Digital Assets will run for a two week duration. End Cap Displays will remain up in Notables for the duration of the full Marketing Period.

Notables Training Room Opportunities:

Are you looking to host a public or staff tasting event in the Notables Training Room? Contact - Mark Carragher (Beer & Spirits Category Manager) and Trent DeRoche (Wine Category Manager) for availability.

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