2022 PEICMC Annual Report
Executive Summary The Prince Edward Island Cannabis Management Corporation (PEICMC) is a crown corporation responsible for the administration of the PEI Cannabis Management Corporation Act and Regulations. The PEICMC operates under the branded name PEI Cannabis.
A five-member Board appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council is responsible for the Corporation’s activities, and the chairperson reports to the Minister responsible for PEI Cannabis.
The mandate under the Cannabis Management Corporation Act has two primary purposes:
1. To establish the necessary framework for socially responsible management of the distribution and sale of cannabis and related products; and 2. To facilitate and promote the responsible consumption of cannabis and related products in Prince Edward Island. PEI Cannabis expects to become a major force in the provincial economy over the medium-to-long term, and during its fourth fiscal year it generated over $21M in total net receipts, thus continuing to make gains and disrupting the illicit market. A three-year strategic plan, complemented by an annual business plan, is the key mechanism to ensure PEI Cannabis is meeting its strategic objectives, and aligning itself with the key public policy priorities surrounding cannabis legalization.
PEI Cannabis focuses on the following four (4) strategic areas to measure performance:
• Business Results • Customer Experience • Corporate Social Responsibility • People & Culture
These strategic pillars, and the tactical initiatives developed within them, serve as a blueprint for incorporating the Vision and Mission Statements into day- to-day operations, the outcomes of which are explained in further detail in this report.
PEICMC 2021-2022 Annual Report
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